
Mike Beitler, Birthday Boy

Today is Sr. Art Director Mike Beitler’s Birthday.

Loving husband.


(Snoop Dogg’s lawyers on line one.)

And all around creative genius.

Is there any better day to meander down a creative memory lane?

Clients love him, and that’s no surprise. Here’s just a few examples of the hard work he’s put in this year at Tidal Wave.

Thanks for a year of creativity. A year of never being grumpy—we’re pretty sure he doesn’t know a swear word. And a year of all-around fun.

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Now get back to work, so the world can be a more beautiful place.

A&C Plastics, Inc., Giant-Sized Sheets - print ad by Tidal Wave Marketing

A&C Plastics, Inc. Giant-Sized Sheets Print Ad

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Honda Responsive Website Design

FitnessNow Logo Plate Weight Design - by Tidal Wave

Fitness Now Logo Plate Weight Design

California Republic Overnight, Same Day Freight - Ad by Tidal Wave

California Republic Overnight Same Day Freight Ad

Wieck Trademark and Brand Identity Design - by Tidal Wave

Wieck Trademark and Brand Identity Design